Collection: Privacy Policy

At Bliss Bathroom Supplies Ltd, we are committed to protecting your privacy at all times. We use the information that we collect about you to process orders and to provide a more personalised shopping experience. This Privacy Policy details what you can expect when Bliss Bathroom Supplies Ltd collects personal information about you.

What information do we collect and how is it used?

When you contact us via phone, email or through one of our social media channels, we often collect your name, email address, telephone number and contact address. This will enable us to reply to your query or to arrange a site visit.

When you place an order through our website, we will collect your name, email address, telephone number, invoice address and delivery address. This will enable us to process and fulfil your orders and to notify you of your order status from time to time.

We also use your contact details to email or telephone you about any problems with your order (order processing), to make you aware of any new products and offers that might be of interest to you from time to time (marketing), and also about any product recalls and other necessary information about products that you have bought from us (aftersales service).

Where applicable, we personalise your shopping experience through making a shopping cart available to you and we track your purchases to enable us to make product recommendations and offers available to you from time to time.

We may also use your contact information to notify you about any important functionality changes to our website, about new products and services that we offer and any special offers that we believe that you will find interesting and valuable. We might also contact you following an order for market research and customer service reasons. With regards to GDPR, your collected information will only be used and based on our Legitimate Business Interests.

Data Retention

We are required to retain your personal data for a period of 7 years (including the current financial year) for taxation purposes. Product guarantees for products purchased through us often cover a period of one (1) to twenty five (25) years. Product safety recalls may be identified and communicated to us by manufacturers for an unspecified period of time after the purchase transaction has been completed. For these reasons, and giving due consideration to GDPR requirements, we have a policy of retaining customer data for a period of seven (7) years, which includes the current financial year. At the end of each financial year, for each customer that we have had no business dealings with during the past seven (7) years and where we have personal customer data retained on file and which is older than seven (7) years we will delete that aged data accordingly. Where any associated data has to be retained for legal purposes or as instructed by a court of law or other authority, that retained data will be anonymised to the fullest extend allowed.

Marketing Data

Your personal contact information will be retained on file for the purposes or legitimate marketing purposes. Under GDPR rules, this data will be held and used under the Legitimate Business Interest category

Protecting your personal data

Personal data held on Bliss Bathroom Supplies Ltd’s computers, is protected through high level data encryption technologies. To ensure protection, these encryption technologies are in force whenever a computer is left unattended. Human readable decryption keys are retained in a safe and secure place by the company owner and they are not available to anyone else.

As required by the UK Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998 and also GDPR regulations, we follow strict security procedures when storing your personal data and also when it is necessary to disclose that information to third parties. This is to ensure, to the fullest extent reasonable possible, that unauthorised access to your data is prohibited.

Disclosing your personal data to third parties

We will never knowingly disclose your personal information (name, address or email address) to any third party for the purposes of marketing un-related products and services to you. We may use your details to contact you about product offers, new products coming to market and other related and of-interest content.

We may also, from time to time, sub-contract a third party bulk mail or bulk email specialist to mail relevant product announcements and offers to you, on our behalf. Any such sub-contractor will be duly bound not to disclose your personal information to any third party.

Request to remove personal data

In accordance with GDPR regulations, you have the ‘Right To Be Forgotten’.

You can exercise this right and request that your personal data is removed from our systems at any time by sending your request to Your request should include your full name and your address so that we can identify you in our data records. Your request should include whether you wish to have the data ‘fully deleted’ or ‘archived’.

Where data is ‘fully deleted’, all of your personal data will be removed and we will no longer be able to contact you for any reason. This will include contacting you about product recalls and other important communications. It might also prevent you from being able to make a product defect claim or other activities that require evidence of your prior purchases.

Where your data is archived, all of your personal data will be moved to an archive database but still retained on file. This data will not be used for marketing and general use purposes and only for legitimate essential communications.

It is therefore important that you clearly define which level of removal you wish us to apply to your data.​

Please note that your right to be forgotten is subject to certain limitations. For example, you do not have the right to be forgotten where there is an outstanding debt owed to us or where any legal actions are ongoing or pending.